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人民的言论是自由下载的30,000小时,并在CC-BY-SA下进行学术和商业用途的许可的受监管的会话英语语音识别数据集(具有CC-by子集)。通过使用现有转录搜索适当许可的音频数据来通过搜索互联网来收集数据。我们描述了我们的数据收集方法,并在Apache 2.0许可证下发布了我们的数据收集系统。我们表明,在此数据集上培训的模型在Librispeech的测试清洁测试集上实现了9.98%的单词错误率。最后,我们讨论了围绕创建一个相当大量的机器学习的法律和道德问题,并计划继续维护项目的计划根据MLCommons的赞助。
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Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in natural language understanding and generation, but the quality bar for medical and clinical applications is high. Today, attempts to assess models' clinical knowledge typically rely on automated evaluations on limited benchmarks. There is no standard to evaluate model predictions and reasoning across a breadth of tasks. To address this, we present MultiMedQA, a benchmark combining six existing open question answering datasets spanning professional medical exams, research, and consumer queries; and HealthSearchQA, a new free-response dataset of medical questions searched online. We propose a framework for human evaluation of model answers along multiple axes including factuality, precision, possible harm, and bias. In addition, we evaluate PaLM (a 540-billion parameter LLM) and its instruction-tuned variant, Flan-PaLM, on MultiMedQA. Using a combination of prompting strategies, Flan-PaLM achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on every MultiMedQA multiple-choice dataset (MedQA, MedMCQA, PubMedQA, MMLU clinical topics), including 67.6% accuracy on MedQA (US Medical License Exam questions), surpassing prior state-of-the-art by over 17%. However, human evaluation reveals key gaps in Flan-PaLM responses. To resolve this we introduce instruction prompt tuning, a parameter-efficient approach for aligning LLMs to new domains using a few exemplars. The resulting model, Med-PaLM, performs encouragingly, but remains inferior to clinicians. We show that comprehension, recall of knowledge, and medical reasoning improve with model scale and instruction prompt tuning, suggesting the potential utility of LLMs in medicine. Our human evaluations reveal important limitations of today's models, reinforcing the importance of both evaluation frameworks and method development in creating safe, helpful LLM models for clinical applications.
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There is no settled universal 3D representation for geometry with many alternatives such as point clouds, meshes, implicit functions, and voxels to name a few. In this work, we present a new, compelling alternative for representing shapes using a sequence of cross-sectional closed loops. The loops across all planes form an organizational hierarchy which we leverage for autoregressive shape synthesis and editing. Loops are a non-local description of the underlying shape, as simple loop manipulations (such as shifts) result in significant structural changes to the geometry. This is in contrast to manipulating local primitives such as points in a point cloud or a triangle in a triangle mesh. We further demonstrate that loops are intuitive and natural primitive for analyzing and editing shapes, both computationally and for users.
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We study the capabilities of speech processing systems trained simply to predict large amounts of transcripts of audio on the internet. When scaled to 680,000 hours of multilingual and multitask supervision, the resulting models generalize well to standard benchmarks and are often competitive with prior fully supervised results but in a zero-shot transfer setting without the need for any fine-tuning. When compared to humans, the models approach their accuracy and robustness. We are releasing models and inference code to serve as a foundation for further work on robust speech processing.
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A diffusion model learns to predict a vector field of gradients. We propose to apply chain rule on the learned gradients, and back-propagate the score of a diffusion model through the Jacobian of a differentiable renderer, which we instantiate to be a voxel radiance field. This setup aggregates 2D scores at multiple camera viewpoints into a 3D score, and repurposes a pretrained 2D model for 3D data generation. We identify a technical challenge of distribution mismatch that arises in this application, and propose a novel estimation mechanism to resolve it. We run our algorithm on several off-the-shelf diffusion image generative models, including the recently released Stable Diffusion trained on the large-scale LAION dataset.
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Very large language models such as GPT-3 have shown impressive performance across a wide variety of tasks, including text summarization. In this paper, we show that this strong performance extends to opinion summarization. We explore several pipeline methods for applying GPT-3 to summarize a large collection of user reviews in a zero-shot fashion, notably approaches based on recursive summarization and selecting salient content to summarize through supervised clustering or extraction. On two datasets, an aspect-oriented summarization dataset of hotel reviews and a generic summarization dataset of Amazon and Yelp reviews, we show that the GPT-3 models achieve very strong performance in human evaluation. We argue that standard evaluation metrics do not reflect this, and evaluate against several new measures targeting faithfulness, factuality, and genericity to contrast these different methods.
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激光雷达传感器是在未知环境中同时定位和映射(SLAM)的强大工具,但是它们产生的原始点云是密集的,计算量昂贵,并且不适合下游自治任务(例如运动计划)直接使用。为了与运动计划集成,希望大满贯管道生成轻量级的几何图表示。这样的表示也特别适合人造环境,通常可以将其视为在笛卡尔网格上建造的所谓“曼哈顿世界”。在这项工作中,我们为曼哈顿世界环境提出了一种3D激光雷达大满贯算法,该算法从点云中提取平面特征,以实现轻便,实时的定位和映射。我们的方法生成基于平面的地图,其记忆占其位置的记忆力明显少得多,并且适合于快速碰撞检查运动计划。通过利用曼哈顿世界的假设,我们靶向正交平面的提取,以生成比现有基于平面的LIDAR SLAM方法更结构化和组织的地图。我们证明了我们在高保真的AirSim模拟器以及配备有速蛋白底激光片的地面漫游车的现实实验中。在这两种情况下,我们都能够以匹配10 Hz的传感器速率的速率生成高质量的图和轨迹估计值。
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